Check out our founder, Christi Van Rite, featured on the Financial Advisor Success podcast!

Will your compliance methodology stand up? Every industry has compliance. It’s not a question of if you have it, it’s a question of how you approach it, run it and master it.

If compliance for you is just a  ☑️  to “Complete Compliance,” you’re missing an opportunity. I know, most people hear the word compliance and conveniently find something captivating to rescue them from the formidable cold hands reaching to grip their soul tightly. ANYTHING to keep from engaging in the conversation. I get it. BELIEVE ME, I get it. Dramatic, maybe. A real fear, absolutely.

Whether you believe that the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) will be retracted or has a chance to stand, it doesn’t change the fact that many family offices and law firms are behind the eight ball when it comes to being able to roll with the punches and retain data in a way that gives you the best opportunity to respond to things like CTA. Will it go away? Possibly. But if you think there won’t be something coming up right behind it – please pass the Kool-Aid®. I’d like to have what you’re having.

Rather than running in the other direction from a compliance request –

What if compliance weren’t the cold hands of (well, you know) but the foundation you rely on to make sound decisions? Why can’t that be true? We all focus so much of our business on growth, client happiness, daily task lists. What if your system was reliable, transparent, and simple? How would you feel if compliance wasn’t a task, but a strategy that gave you comfort? We create and enhance foundations. Custom or plug and play. Information and Document Management. It’s what we do.

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